Pencoed House Wedding Photography

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The wedding of Ali and Dave at Pencoed House

Ali and Dave got married exactly one week ago at Pencoed House Estate. What a fantastic day, Dave rocking it in a Royal Navy Jacket and waistcoat and Ali looking incredibly beautiful in the most amazing designer wedding dress, their wedding was full of fun an laughter, with relaxed vibes at the Pencoed House country estate and I was commissioned to document and provide their Pencoed House wedding photography.

I arrived before everyone to capture the whole day from start to finish. I love documenting weddings this way as I get a real feel for the wedding as various people arrive and events unfold. I have not bee to Pencoed house for a few years now and I have to say it has become one of the best wedding venues in the Cardiff area I have been to. With the new accommodation and extended bar area and courtyard, newly landscaped gardens and further accommodation just next to the venue, Pencoed House Estate is fully equipped to hold great weddings and events, and Ali and Dave’s wedding was just that.

With the ceremony at 3pm the day was nice and relaxed, Ali was calm and collected while getting ready and when Dave and the Wild Boys arrived I could tell the she was the calming influence in the relationship. 🙂 However Dave resisted the temptation of shots before the wedding from the bad influencers, and was also cool calm and collected ready to meet his bride.

The ceremony flew by, it always does, but it was beautiful, with wonderful readings from friends, Ali and Dave’s commitment to each other was witnessed by their friends and family, and documented in photographs too! I love the Barn where the ceremony and wedding breakfast take place, it’s so atmospheric, and so cosy too.

We had time for a few group shots just after the ceremony, I won’t post the large group one here, best’est man knows why, it needs a small amount of editing, and perhaps an original will be kept in the full edit. Other than the group shots I try not to direct any events and document what I see. I will only take you away from your party for 20 mins at most to create portraits unless you specifically want to take longer and go to other locations, so for Ali and Dave’s wedding at Pencoed house being all at the venue, we were able to get in our portrait time exactly when Ali and Dave wanted to take a break from the party after the wedding breakfast and speeches. Guest played mini golf, both young and old, younger guests created bubbles while older guests drank bubbles and as day turned to night Ali and Dave took their first dance together and partied the night away with the Wild Boys and their guests. Things did get a bit wild, but you’ll have to wait for the full edit and gallery for that as this is just Ali and Dave’s Pencoed House wedding photography sneak peek! More to follow…. follow on social for more search Chris Francis Photography Cardiff @ffotos @_ffotos_

Would you like your wedding captured by Chris? Contact him via to discuss your requirements.

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